Thursday, July 19, 2012

Playing with the pooches

It has been over a month since getting started and by now, D has had a chance to go through ALL of the children's toys.

Today, she decided to take a look at the dog toys.  Keeley and Teagan watched as D rolled out their toy box and then sorted them out one by one between the two dogs.
Teagan (top picture) got all the tennis balls and chew toys.  Keeley (bottom picture) got all the more pricey and different toys.

Occasionally, D would ask me who a toy belonged to and I'd tell her it belonged to both dogs.  Then she'd look at it and decide who to give it to.

She also liked to ask me the names of the toys.  I'd respond with, "Oh, that's a wiggle-giggle ball." or "That's a hurley and that's a hole-y roller."

I took these pictures of the pups because I thought it was funny how they sat calmly and patiently through the whole thing.  They let D do things that they would never put up with from me.  Keeley even walked around the house for a good 30 minutes or more with that boa constrictor tied loosely around his waist.

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