Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Today's Harvest

One of B's favorite activities is picking flowers and vegetables from the garden.  So far this year, we've harvested:

4 Zucchinis
2 Yellow Squash
7 Cucumbers
Lots of Yellow Wax Beans
Lots and lots of Cherry Tomatoes & SunSugar Tomatoes
Some Snap Peas
Lettuce, Spinach, Arugula, other salad greens, and Swiss Chard
and every couple of days we get a handful of Strawberries (which are B's favorite)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Print awareness & counting to 10, 15, 20...

Number Awareness / Counting Activities:
* Hopscotch
* Connect-The-Dots
* Hide & Go Seek
* Counting Books
* Number Puzzles 
* Number Mazes
* Number Coloring Pages
* Counting "How many?" of different items
* Number Stickers
* Beginning Board Games