Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?
We are located in the Martin Drive Neighborhood at ____________, Milwaukee, WI.

Is it a safe neighborhood?
Yes!  The Martin Drive neighborhood is very safe for the following reasons:

  • The neighborhood has clear boundaries:  Washington Park to the north, State Street to the south, Highland Blvd to the east, and HWY 41 to the west.
  • There are no alleys which means less crime.
  • The neighborhood is patrolled daily (and multiple times per day in the summer) by people involved in the neighborhood association.
  • The neighborhood is also monitored by MillerCoors security patrols since we are next to the MillerCoors Brewery.
Do you offer a discounted-rate for families with multiple children?
Yes!  There is a 10% discount off of the price of the oldest child’s daycare when you have two or more children enrolled. 

Are you willing to hold a spot for a future start date?
Yes!  Please contact us.

How many total children do you care for?
I am licensed to provide care for a maximum of 8 children at a time depending upon their ages.

Do you offer any sort of educational curriculum?
We do a lot of hands on and play learning.

What supplies are parents expected to provide?
I ask that you supply formula or breastmilk until your baby is drinking milk.

Do you accept W2 payments?

Do you claim all income you make on taxes?

Which holidays is your facility closed?
New Years Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve Day, and Christmas Day. If a holiday falls on a Sunday we are closed the following Monday.

How much TV do children watch on a typical day?
We often watch Public Television children's programing during breakfast and also sometimes as a distraction while I am preparing lunch.  On occasion we may watch a program or animated movie on DVD.  Children are not required to watch and other activities are available during that time. 

What are the hours of your center? 
Monday through Saturday 6:30am – 6:30pm

When is a child too ill to be at daycare?  In accordance with State law we are not licensed to care for ill children.  We do not allow children to attend if they exhibit any of the following characteristics:

  • A temperature of 100 degrees F. or higher
  • Vomiting or diarrhea has occurred more than once in the past 24 hours
  • A contagious disease such as chicken pox, strep throat or pinkeye
  • An unidentified rash
  • Has not been on a prescribed medication for at least 24 hours or continues to have symptoms of illness
  • Has a constant, thick, colored nasal discharge

When can my child return to daycare after being sent home ill?
Children may return to the center when they are fever and symptom free, have been appropriately treated or have been given medical approval to return to child care.  

What if I am planning a family vacation and know, in advance, my child will not be attending; do I get any “vacation days” for my child?
Yes!  After a child has been enrolled for 3 months, I will allow 5 days off per year (prorated for part-time enrollments) with no fee required.  These days may be used for sick or vacation time.  After these 5 days are used, I will require full payment for any absences, for the rest of that year.  

Do you provide meals for my child?
Absolutely!  We provide all of the meals your child will need throughout the day.  This includes breakfast, a morning snack, lunch, and an afternoon snack.  

Will you even provide meals for my baby?
When ready to start on solid foods, we will provide meals for your baby.  We only ask that parents provide formula or breast milk for children that are bottle fed.

What if I want to supply my child’s food?
You are more than welcome to supply all or a portion of your child’s meals.

Who provides diapers for my child?
Tadpoles Pollywogs & Froglets Daycare provides all disposable diapers and wipes.  However, you are more than welcome to supply these things if you require a special brand or if you prefer cloth diapers.

Can I pay my daycare bill by credit card?
No, I am not equipped to accept credit or debit card payments at this time.

Can I visit my child during the day?
Absolutely!  Parents are welcome to stop by unannounced whenever they like. 

Where do the children play when it rains or is too cold to go outside?

We go outside most everyday, but when it is too cold, too hot, or too rainy then we have to stay indoors.  On such days, we do calisthenics or kiddie yoga or dance.