Thursday, May 16, 2013

Our caterpillars have formed their chrysalises

Today the kids were using their sleep mats, sheets, blankets, and pillows to pretend that they were caterpillars.  First they said they were really hungry and they "ate" their pillows and blankets (which they told me were leaves).  Then they crawled between their sheets and mats which they pretended were their cocoons.  Finally they emerged as "beautiful butterflies" and ran around the living room flying with their new wings.

It made me feel so good to see the kids playing like this.  It was entirely initiated by them and I just got to watch and take pictures.  We had recently been reading a lot of butterfly life cycle books, but I wasn't sure if any of it was sinking in.  Now I know they understand!  All of our caterpillars have formed their chrysalises now.  I can't wait until they emerge as butterflies.  I think the kids will really get it all once they see that happen.

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