Monday, September 17, 2012

Exploring the new playgrounds at Washington Park

This morning we took a walk to Washington Park to explore the several new playground areas that recently opened there.

Each little playground area was about a different topic in nature.  The first one we stopped at was about bees.  The next ones we went to were about leaves and how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly.  One playground area had a giant spider web.  There was also one about pond life and another about fungi.

Pops came with to help make sure the little climbers were safe from any falls.  And it was a good thing because climb they did!  I kept a really close watch of them and I was really impressed with their skill and bravery.

It was a fun day for both kids and for me too.  I love it when I can send them home really happy.

There are a lot of parks within walking distance from my house, so next time we might check out another one.  It mostly depends on how much energy I have in me because it's quite a workout pushing a stroller!

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