Sunday, September 30, 2012

I could earn stars too!

L's Good Behavior Store

Items in V's Good Girl Store

After seeing D's Homework Store, L asked if there was a way he could earn stars too.  So I planned out and set up L's Good Behavior Store with items chosen specifically for him.  Most of the items are from the dollar store.  L can earn stars by not hitting, pushing, or grabbing, by taking a 30 minute nap, and by going pee-pee on the potty.  L gets paid in stars when he behaves well and then he can save and spend his stars on items in his store.  The items cost between 2 to 5 stars.  The goals of this are behavior modification, for L to learn and practice self-control, and also counting with meaning up to 5.

A few weeks after I set up L's store, V asked if she could earn stars too.  So I set up V's Good Girl Store with items chosen just for her.  She can earn her stars by going pee-pee on the potty and by not having her "horsie" pacifier at the table during meal times.  The items in her store are priced between 2 to 4 stars.

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